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Geek and Sundry, Wil Wheaton's Tabletop

On April 2, 2012, the first episode of Tabletop was posted on Youtube. Today it has reached over two million views with three seasons of gameplay. Wil Wheaton, who is most notable from Star Trek as Wesley Crusher and fictionalized version of himself in The Big Bang Theory, hosted the show since he shares the same love of passion for games as I do. The series plays through many popular games such as Sheriff of Nottingham and Dead of Winter. The range of game goes from a game of chance through strategy and co-op games. There are also many celebrity guests from vloggers to actors. Watching people play board games sounds mundane, but with Mr. Wheaton's charm and hilarious comments, it's quite entertaining. Plus, you get to see how the game is played and see if it's worth getting. I enjoy watching the videos, and I will be using it for references. Whether you're a fan of the actors or want to see which are worth getting, either way, I highly recommend watching this series.

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